And now I am pleased to announce 5 more plugins designed to improve your WordPress workflow Disable Responsive Images, Disable WP REST API, Enable Database Tools, WP Cron HTTP Auth, and the BEST for last Contact Form X. With 99.9999% of all WordPress sites setup to work without Gutenberg, the massive changes barreling down the pike going to affect millions of websites. Debate and drama aside, it's time that we start looking for practical ways to adapt WordPress sites to the imminent changes brought to us by G7G. One of these changes involves Custom Fields. After months of hard work, I am excited to announce the launch of my new video course on developing WordPress plugins. That post describes everything needed to implement DIY popular posts, and some folks wanted easier way to display the list of popular posts on the front-end ... Pleased to announce Pro version of my WordPress security plugin, Blackhole for Bad Bots — now available from Plugin Planet. All of our themes are current with the version of WordPress, and include lots of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements 100% ready for action ). The free themes are all free and open-source for everyone, and the exclusive themes are included with purchase of Digging Into WordPress. check out WPKube for some excellent tutorials, reviews, news, and everything in between... 2 3 30. DigWP com is home for the book, Digging Into WordPress, written by Chris Coyier and Jeff Starr.
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