Malware Operations on file system readfile was found in the file download php Line 59 @readfile file get contents was found in the file cromafunctions php Line 314 $response = json decode, true..
Function , with 'Install Plugins in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function n noop, with 'This theme requires the following plugin %1$s., 'This theme requires the following plugins %1$s in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function n noop, with 'This theme recommends the following plugin %1$s., 'This theme recommends the following plugins %1$s in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function , with the 'Return to Dashboard in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function , with 'Unpacking the in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function , with 'Installing the in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function , with 'Installing and Activating Plugin %1$s in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function , with 'Installing Plugin %1$s in file tgm modified plugin.php.
Function , with 'Something went wrong with API in file cromatheme php.
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