The installation will be completed within 3 hours by our Service Center once the access details to your hosting server has been received..
Here's inside 1 ) MySQL Database tweaks that will secure your data from standard hackers attacks. 2 ) Installation of Security Module that will protect your website from hackers attacks of various types . 3 ) Installing CAPTCHA to protect the forms on your website from spam.
That includes Login form, Lost Password and or Username form, Registration form and Login to admin panel form . 4 ) Encryption of your admin panel password.
Under Single Site License for the template you are granted non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the template on single domain... $0 $0 I want to use it only once.
Under Single Site License for the template you are granted non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the template on single domain..
TechLoop is fully responsive electronics and gadgets store WooCommerce theme, that has everything to fulfill your business needs.
To say more, here you get Wishlist & Compare plugin, that allows customers to compare and to lay aside necessary gadgets to make the choice.
Ajax cart, live search, and variety of sorting options will help them to enjoy the whole shopping process.
The mod rewrite module used to rewrite requested URLs on the fly...
The main reason for this is the easy handling of Wordpress and Power Builder.
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