The advantage of this template is that your visitors will become interested to browse more contents because of showcase style..
Featured post subject is provided on the page to present best page from the defined categories.
Apart from that Lucid WordPress Theme also provides included subject with thumbnail so you can showcase categories on the page.
The template provides area homepage to display recent articles with included list view badge so visitors can referred to the fresh articles from the homepage.
There are menu state provided in the topic which is at the top of the page footer and last one is footer with left aligned positions..
Lucid WordPress topic helps you to add text on the sidebar using custom widgets provided with the template.
Using widget you can show categories archives and with tabbed badge widget you can show many blocks name recent articles popular articles and random articles as well.
Custom portfolio page is included with different application name great display not small display and many other badges with hill based design..
Generate unlimited type library from subject.
Short-codes to add excellent buttons boxes and more into the page.
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