The plugin comes as fork of John Watson's FD Footnotes but has been updated to use WordPress Settings API. You can install Endnotes either via WordPress Dashboard or by uploading the removed endnotes folder to your wp-content plugins directory. Once the plugin has been effectively installed only activate the plugin through the Plugins in WordPress Dashboard.. Once the plugin has been activated visit the Settings page to individualize the display of your footnotes... Though loved the accuracy of FD Footnotes plugin we felt it was prudent to utilize WordPress Settings API to prevent the occurrence of PHP errors we were encountering... Because this plugin is using WordPress Setting API you will need to browse to Endnotes Settings page and save your settings... If you have translated the plugin into language please send the text issues to hello@heavyheavy. com for exception in future releases..... The I had was that your theme sometimes tries to isolate what looks to it name code with code tags and it was doing this with one or two of the closing brackets. All you have to do to resolve this is go from the text view and search crtl-F for. code. and you will be able to well found these categories. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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