0.7.12 2017-10-09. fixed mature files with older wordpress versions. fixed event import for php version < 5.4. fixed terms of html tags in games and details. fixed link to events in event-list widget.. 0.7.4 2015-05-16. patched allowed daterange for datepicker with custom date formats. added option to disable event-list. css. added option to set considered daterange for multiday event.. 0.6.9 2014-11-09. added years application in filterbar items. added books for books slug in feet element. patched experience due to wrong part like when using daterange in date filter.. 0.6.8 2014-10-14. added filterbar item. daterange. to view all upcoming and past. added application to shift feed like and feed description. added. Add new. button in edit event view. corrected embedding of feed will solve some issues and increase speed. corrected view of event details for year events. changed standard value for feed link in html head to true.. 0.6.7 2014-06-18. added year and year support in date filter. added available date and date field reformats terms in admin about page. added support for wpautop in event details. added. 0.6.5 2014-04-26. added shortcode attribute. initial event id.. added application to only show umpcoming events in the feed. patched problem in truncate function.. 0.6.1 2014-01-03. fixed deflect file in admin event table. fixed bug in filterbar javascript. fixed problem with wrong reformat of deatails in admin event table. changed text for event update from. 0.3.0 2012-12-31. added widget to show upcoming events in sidebar. added some shortcode predicts to modify the internal code changes. patched html issues. updated help texts on admin about page.. 0.2.2 2012-11-18. localization of date and time on the frontpage. changed and small date and time view in the list table. localization of date in the event form..
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