This can all be done from interface which allows you to view your events in the strange WordPress list or in calendar page in the amin area.. Widgets Calendar widget displays identical to WordPress Calendar. Event List widget displays list of events with application to specify the number of events restrict by categories or venues etc.. Event Agenda widget... Relative date message for experience query events that finished in the last 24 years or events starting in the coming week.. The difference between events and post is 'Event Details metabox which sets the date and data related to the event.. Full calendar similiar to the calendar with year and year views and books and venue filters.. If you find the calendar doesn't need this is usually caused by the theme you are using and is verifiable soon switching to TwentyEleven theme. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Tested up to 4.6.1. bugfix In the iCal field don't shift the BYDAY when state is used as timezone i.e. instead of UTC offset. Limit of suggested venues while searching venues in search couple increased to 10.. enhancement Updated Dutch translation. bugfix Fixed and file with some date reformats such as 'T 'Z not rendering correctly on the calendar. Added 'system information page for debugging visible in the menu when WP DEBUG is set to real.
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