Lots of new features in v1.6 like smooth integration with Role Scoper and Press Permit thanks to Kevin Behrens. As of v1.5 has concerns with BuddyPress and BBPress forums in relations with bbPress2 shortcode whitelist plugin Anton Channing... As of v1.4 includes TinyMCE Shortcode Button with Shortcode Generator Modal with application to restrict access to Shortcode Button and to determine its position on TinyMCE panel... The 'hide attribute By default the shortcode will show the content to the users specified by the 'username 'level or 'logged attributes. This will show the content only to users with the role the role and the 'moderate comments capability... This will show the content to all administrators and to the specific users 'joebob and 'billyjean what they're administrators or not... As of version 1.6 Eyes Only is integrated with Role Scoper and Press Permit to allow you to filter content according to Role Scoper or Press Permit user groups. Follow those steps and BP and BBP users will be able to use the shortcode to their hearts content..... The Customer Specific COntent here This is the easiest of majority for this excellent plugin and as I deeper into it eg nesting tags IM sure I will find creative categories to use this Mr Stark I WILL be sending you donation..... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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