You can also shorten the url name some-plugin js and then it will match any css or js url that has some-plugin js on the road. Likewise if you have dynamic url for CSS or JS that always shifts in each pageview the var for experience you will add it to the list else it will generate new cache issue each pageview..... Yes but it's recommended that you cleanse the cache from the plugin status page in order for the consolidated and minification cache issues to be total and for you to be sure the updates went soon. If of these work you know there's conflict.. e If you have conflict try to add each CSS and each JS to the list one by one until you find the one that causes the conflict. Speed. tab deselect Auto Minify for JavaScript CSS and HTML and Rocket Loader as there is no benefit of using them with your plugin we already minify things.. Those application can also snap the design due to double minification or the fact that Rocket Loader is experimental you can read about that on the. It's to see per-page exactly which author and files being minified associated so if there's issue on particular page easy to debug and pirate the exact files to add to exclusion lists. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... 2.2.6. fixed bug with minification on some issues that will not be minified. fixed bug with the defer for pagespeed insights. updated the slate delete all entries and save then to restore.. 2.1.7. increased minification speed and time to the first byte. patched random bug with the books html pages white pages. added support for the. Nginx Cache. plugin cleanse Till Krüss..
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