complete payments, licensing and auto-updates solution to sell your freemium plugin from within the comfort of WordPress admin dashboard - setup takes minutes.. Freemius Insights makes it easy to know your plugin users and capture their actions. Capture emails and unlock the power of SaaS like applications to increase engagement and your bottom line. communication channel with your plugin or theme users from within WordPress admin dashboard, delivered right to your mailbox.. Freemius prompts abandoning users with feedback form and segments their replies, get them back onboard, and reduce abandon rate with future users.. I'm excited about finding uses for Freemius in my plugins because as I just need more data than I get from It's hard to get data about who is using your plugins, and how. Freemius allows you to learn about your users behavior and needs. We use tools to enable essential services and functionality on our site and to collect data on how visitors interact with our site, products and services. By clicking CONTINUE, you agree to our use of these tools for advertising, analytics and support.
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