Auto of new buttons from other plugins or topic. Version 2.0 and later versions does not support WordPress versions under WordPress 3.9 For first wordpress versions please download Frontier Buttons version 1.4.0 from the users tab... Let me know what you think and if you have enhancement requests or issues let me know from support area.. Upload frontier-buttons to the wp-content plugins directory or search for Frontier Editor Buttons from add plugin.. This plugin is MUST HAVE for wordpress page if you want director in for your frontend for comment. wish developer have time to update. buddypress support...... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Upgraded tinymce plugins to version 4.6.7.. Added quicktags application to application. Added Custom Editor to the list of additional editors.. Will respect buttons yanked by plugins they will be added at the end of toolbar they were placed.
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