It is deeply integrated with WordPress CMS to fetch and add default or custom post type specific slides recent posts subject from books videos and much more. The panel with more than 60 basic and advance application allow the user to control the categories of the subject without of PHP or HTML. For CSS customization it is having CSS box to add additional lines of CSS if required as there is no need to edit CSS files.. Slider comes with Parallax effect to make the text and number subject best site.. Events Slider. Create Slider of Events using the Event Manager WordPress Plugin. Events in Cosmo Slider... YouTube and Vimeo Slider. YouTube and Vimeo Slider looks great in Cosmo. Very easy to create and auto fetch slides from video hubs... WooCommerce and WP Ecommerce Slider. Add self hosted or YouTube videos as the background of the subject for dynamic and different look.. Touch and swipe support for iOS and Android. HTML and Images retains formatting in subject. Drag and drop Cosmo Slider widgets name Custom Slider Category Slider and Recent Post Slider and choose the settings set to apply to that widget... Follow us on Twitter handle and FB page and you can support over there as well... Knowledge Base of Cosmo Slider We keep all the documentations and tutorials related to Cosmo Slider on its dedicated page SliderVilla Knowledge Base.
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