Version 0.4 of Ghost Node.js blogging hill went live this year.
Some of the more interesting features include support for static pages new to soon edit posts by appending edit to URL support for date-based permalinks e.g.
2014 01 25 example-post instead of example-post support for uploading SVG subject and the power to put Ghost in subdirectory..
With this update out of the way we're close to seeing the API.
That's currently planned for version 0.5 to be released somewhere this spring..
The ability to extend Ghost is in view what will make it platform.
I really name the director which is reason enough to start using Ghost I can't switch any of your sites over not even blog until it's for me to add in some features Ghost is missing.
I do bit of linkblogging on Daring Fireball badge with headlines that link to not internal sites and Ghost doesn't offer the power to do that out of the box.
I also have couple posts on the blog that feature image galleries originally with WordPress and later through Jekyll plugin.....
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