GigPress features RSS and iCalendar feeds for your upcoming shows and for individual artists and tours plus Google Calendar and iCal download links for individual show. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Removed the requirement that price be included to include information in JSON-LD markup h t Alex Unger.. Added option to limit the number of shows in RSS and iCal feeds.. Changed GIGPRESS NOW constant to compensate for bug in WordPress current time part which was causing shows to expire based on the time than WordPress small time. Added the missing. notes. field to the show listings Related Post entries and in RSS feed. Modified some of the scripting and CSS in the area to good suit the upcoming admin design in WordPress 2.5.. Added element to item in RSS feed linked to the page set on the application page.. Fixed stray tag in the code that damaged the output when using it via the template tag with tour segmentation active.. Added filter on in the admin and in the template part to remove slashes and encrypt HTML school oops...
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