On the home page on Google com in United States is Google logo, Doodle, for Mary G.
Today would be her 110th birthday and to celebrate life and contributions, Google has Google Doodle for her.
She has huge set of awards including Silicon Valley Engineering Council's Hall of Fame, 1992, Fellow and member of Society of Women Engineers, and others.
She was born on August 9, 1908 Park Hill, Oklahoma and passed at the age of 99 on April 29, 2008 Los Altos, CA..
Ross, American Indian engineer, manned and unmanned earth-orbiting flights, and orbiting satellites.
she attended University of Northern Colorado to pursue degree and love for astronomy and rocket science..
It was there that she was encouraged to earn her in aeronautical engineering from UCLA in 1949, after.
Her work on the team included developing initial design concepts for interplanetary space travel and satellites including Agena rocket ..
By participating in efforts to encourage their pursuits in, Leading by example, Ross also opened doors for future generations of women and American Indians STEM fields, including being member and Fellow of Society of Women Engineers.
In 1992 SWE established Ross's name, including Aditi Jain, Google Maps engineer..
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