The source of Trump's information regarding Google News's perceived bias is PJ Media, who published story about the sites that Google News lists when searching for ' Trump Google and selecting 'News in search results. Putting aside the questionable accuracy of this chart and the tiny sample size of PJ Media's research, there is valid underlying question can algorithms be neutral.. In the main results area we have Top Stories carousel followed by recent tweets from Donald Trump, relevant videos, 'People also ask box of related searches, box with other US presidents, another box with political leaders, and box with people relevant to Trump's Ivana.. While Trump's official website is listed, it's not the result and the page is dominated by results from publishers The Guardian, BBC, The Independent, Washington Post, The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, and NY Magazine.. This is not optional over 99% of articles shown Top Stories are from websites that are included in Google News index.. The people responsible for curating Google News index make decisions about which websites are okay and. This gives Google full technical control over Google News and Top Stories Google's own crawling, indexing, and ranking systems, and the technologies that news publishers need to adopt to be considered for Google News. Google News uses new set of AI techniques to take constant flow of information as it hits the web, in time and organize it into storylines... and similar story from Site B should be way down at the end of the carousel, that is the result of human decisions some large, some small about what constitutes relevancy and trustworthiness.. To return to the question of bias Google News, does Donald Trump have point.
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