Yet he also encouraged site publishers to read Google Quality Raters Guidelines to better understand how to rank better Google's algorithm.
some in the community may have noticed and responded by jumping on the quality update train.
What's interesting is how the researchers use quality raters to judge which results are most relevant and then use those judgments to score the algorithm against...
This shows that the co-click hypothesis yields related pairs that are judged on average while the control set are judged as Slightly Related...
Website Information information about who is responsible for MC Find about the website and the creator of MC..
The only way to reconcile these statements is to accept that the first statement addresses SEOs and publishers.
Google's second statement recommending the raters guidelines may indicate that this update was about being able to surface sites in the search results that did something right..
Two of the five factors relate to the author of the content, three if you include Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness..
Evidence of that is in the fact that Google created Your Money or Your Life category of sites that deal with specific topics..
The introduction of Quality Raters Guide makes it clear that the raters standing in for users.
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