RankRanger discovered that Google uses for desktop search is different from YouTube algorithm.
The videos that are ranked by YouTube algorithm may be based on features related to the videos themselves, on popularity, and engagement metrics..
The length of the videos appear to be YouTube rankings how to make pizza, Google even ranks video that is forty two seconds long..
That may be why the author of the study was perplexed at the randomness of differences between YouTube and Google Desktop rankings..
The average rank of each Google carousel YouTube ranking, whether it be the overall average, or, category does not really offer the full picture.
I believe it's not coincidence that the cooking and recipe sections of New York Times exists on subdomain, cooking nytimes.com.
Putting that content in subdomain separates that recipe content from the rest of the site.
The in the carousel, also with million views has relevant content on the video page itself...
I am citing Facebook post as evidence that the video has been promoted and is fact popular..
With some understanding of how search engines tend to rank websites, one can, as I demonstrated above, discover interesting clues as to why Google Desktop rankings for Carousel videos differs from the rankings on YouTube..
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