In this article I am going to provide a short review of the recent events related to Authorship and Google's In-Depth Articles feature and then provide my analysis as to what this means for Author Rank and the birth of. In-Depth Article SEO..
Hopefully it will strike you the same way it did me. Google designed a unique search experience for local search you can see that the results look different and where they show up in the overall search results page varies.
One of the more interesting statements about the initiative is on the Google Webmaster Tools Help page on in-depth articles Authorship markup helps our algorithms to find and present relevant authors and experts in Google search results.
Also keep in mind that Google has never used the term. Author Rank. or. Publisher Rank. that's a term that we in the industry like to use.
Currently the in-depth articles share all of these same attributes except the fact that they only show up at the bottom of the search page i.e. their position on the page does not vary as it does with local.
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