If you want to keep up with technology behind your page powered by WordPress, you will have to keep eye on updates. WordPress will automatically recheck for new version of and also keep track of your plugins and themes.
Before accepting and installing update, be sure your themes, plugins and widgets are with your WordPress version..
Keep in mind that installed plugins or themes from third-party sources are not automatically updated.
If so, be sure to find the updates on your own, usually tracking the developer's site... class=. glossaryLink. >updates for core issues, your themes and of course plugins.
If you need anything for your WP site and you do not know how or do not what to code it, there is probably already plugin you can download and install... class=. glossaryLink. >plugin.
alert you whenever there are new updates to the core issues, themes or installed plugins.
The plugin will make shifts to your WP.
You can well choose if you want to be notified only about or about all plugins this can save you time going through tons of emails about the plugins and themes you're not using except only keeping deactivated..
After you enter you e-mail address in the area.
Those emails will brief you which update is ready for your system, and to make everything even easy, link to your updates will be attached..
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