...... HelpScout Docs Portal Plugin for WordPress CreativeMinds... WordPress HelpScout Docs Portal plugin supports showing HelpScout knowledgebase page using shortcode on any post or page on WordPress site.......
Help Scout Docs Portal plugin is WordPress Plugin to Help Scout Docs portal.
The plugin uses Help Scouts API and connects to Help Scout docs knowledge base hill and displays all content using shortcode on WordPress site..
This Help Scout plugin is not hard to set up and use all that is needed is Docs API key to connect to Help Scout account..
Help Scout Docs plugin supports both collections and categories meaning it can show the total content of collection and same for books.
Help Scout plugin also supports searching Help Scout docs and showing pagination once showing the results..
Curated List & Knowledge base Great tool for content marketers to sponsor and publish content or build knowledge bases... $39.00 Add to Cart..... Help Scout Docs Portal Plugin Features.
In order to gain access to HelpScout Knowledgebase you need to obtain API key and add it to the plugin settings..
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We and development services for WordPress and Magento ®.
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