Retina-ready and designed for use across array of devices and platforms, the versatile and theme continues to be choice for news, newspaper, magazine, blog, publishing or review site.
HermesPress also comes with menu system for beautiful drop down menus and also the ability to set the image of post to have parallax effect.
Version 1.3.5 . - Added localization support for the date on header - Added tag parameter to shortcode - Added the multi-categories to category - Fixed Hermes Recent Posts widget - Fixed Hermes Followers Count - Facebook counts..
Version 1.3.4 . - Fixed the menu and language issue in functions php file - Included Advanced Custom Fields plugin version
Version 1.3.2 . - Included the latest plugins used in theme - Added localization support for the date on header - Fixed translate issue - Fixed YouTube and Vimeo links in archives, categories, authors, tags, search pages..
Version 1.3.0 . - Added options to create sections pages with Left and Right sidebars - Added tag id parameter to shortcode - Fixed the date, author name and author link in the shortcode.
Version 1.2.0 . - Added option to Enable Disable fade in effect on page loading and scrolling. - Fixed video post issue on shortcode listing..
Version 1.1.2 . - Added tab to accordion shortcode - Fixed the video issue on posts listings in shortcodes - Corrected the misspelled search word.
Read More to translation file - Added video shortcodes for front page and simple pages - Fixed double titles in meta tags - Fixed the Weather info when is selected Geolocation and City name is empty Theme Options.
Version 1.0.2 . - Fixed the Weather and Date options in header - Included the main style-sheet into theme queue - Fixed the widget with follow Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
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