. Hotel WordPress Theme Hotel WP is the more charming, and WP template for Bed and Breakfasts,,, apartment services. Besides, the topic is with many design standard for enhanced record name Open Graph Meta Tags, Google Theme-color. so that your page will look better with more colors, more categories. Besides the cleaning, Hotel WP employs not simple structure data in the way it display champions, contents, tags etc to make your page appealing in the eyes of Google, results in high ranking of your page on Google search result pages for the same keywords.. ThimCore for better management. . - Updated Select category for shortcode events. - Changed Js shortcode weather toolbar. - Fixed Default date shortcode search room badge 3 for Loco Translate plugin. - Added Icon for loading shortcode search room badge 3.. Hotel WP 1. 2017-12-20. + Fixed Error js when not plugin Hotel. + Fixed Woocommerce slider. + Added Top in Room type. + Updated File language. + Updated Plugin shortcode. + Update Translate widget room search. + Update Compatibility WPML.. 2017-09-29. + Fixed Select date for hotel search widget. + Added Function results room for hotel search room. + Updated Remove when event expired. + Updated Style button view cart for hotel search room on mobile. . + Fixed Color primary some stretch for Customize. + Updated Plugin require new version.. Hotel WP 1. 2017-07-14. + Fixed Background in customize. + Fixed Register Event Config. + Fixed Error php config room. + Fixed Check in Search result. + Fixed Outdate Woocommerce. + Improved UI UX. + Updated Config new Thim Social Link. + Update demo data.. Hotel WP 1. 2017-05-30. + Updated Documentation. + Updated WP Hotel Booking Booking Room Addon. + Fixed Select date in search room page. + Fixed Issue in Admin Page when configure RTL. + Fixed Update mini cart.. Hotel WP 1. . + Fixed Date format. + Fixed Min Max price. + Fixed Success message add to cart. + Fixed Shortcode Testimonial. + Fixed Date Format Blog.. Hotel WP 1. 2017-05-22. + Updated Custom champion.
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