If you plan to sell advertising on your site or need additional features and advanced control of your adverts like Geo-targeting multiple ad schedules assign different weights to ads etc. then condiser upgrading to the PRO version of the plugin.. Remember to click the 'Save group button when done to add your new ad group and update your plugin settings and refer to the plugin's tutorials user manual and documentation if you need help configuring ad group settings... Groups let you display and rotate a number of ads in the same location. You can create an unlimited number of ad groups and add an unlimited number of ads to each group. 5 Statistics Tick the checkbox if you want to track clicks and impressions for the ad Note this does not work for ads that use Javascript like Google AdSense. Send visitors to the destination URL specified in the code snippet replace the URL highlighted in red with the URL you want to send your visitors to when they click on your ad.
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