I should mention, however, that WP Flat Tour Builder is premium plugin, and no, there's not version. You may also set the fonts individually for the tours, and I personally prefer to have yes chosen for Use Theme Fonts .. The plugin also has two other options that I think deserve to be talked about separately Roles allowed to see it and On website or backend.. And why would you need to show tour on the back end of your website instead of the front. You will have to enter each step of tour individually because each step will lead or point to different part of the site or require action. Within each one, you get to pick how it behaves down to the element it's attached to, ing it, or even allowing the user to close it... What you do with the steps is up to you, and thee are three types that you can rotate between, entirely dependent on what you have to accomplish with that tour.. Or like the text steps, ation and require them to take action to proceed.. You can even have single-step tour that directs your user to something you want them to see .. Whatever your reason and however you want to use it, it's no trouble at all to add tour to pretty much any WordPress site..
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