Have source of data to analyze the keywords that your content is ranking for and there are many tools that will allow you to get full view of this example would be data from Google Search Console..
You can get full view of all your page titles by crawling list of URLs you hoping to audit using Screaming Frog..
Page title audits can be very enlightening then you can change the elements of your content to rank higher for the keywords you did not plan for except are now ranking well for..
Pulling these numbers should motivate you to put the in to move up one position because you can see that moving up from position 6 to 5 will probably increase the traffic you are getting for that keyword..
The page title is for the searcher get their attention and reap the benefits of your hard work...
By appending your brand name to the end of your page title, If Google accepts you as reputable brand they might try to help your cause..
This means that our content is seen and it does not mean you are not free to do so..
Our goal for Page 1 movers is to try to get them to position 5 and into the bucket of high ranking URLs..
You just need to do the extra work to try to get this content to the realm of Page 1 mover..
Making the most of our existing content, and making sure that work is not going to waste, is also huge part of being SEO..
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