You can see exactly how user records your page from home wifi and 4G or 3G connections. Google mentioned that the mobile landing page loads in 22 seconds and turned out to be real when testing some page on 3G connections... Follow the employment to reload the page with the tool if you're using Windows, and if you are using Mac, it is CMD-R.. This is just experience, and for relatively small sites that use category of imagination, they tend to be slowed down due to lack of compressed subject or just the number of subject, making up the organization of server requests on the page.. This causes a delay in rendering the main content if you would want to move JavaScript issues to the not top, below all the body content, so as not to cope with page rendering.. To get the information about how to get the more out of this tool, recheck out Google's chronicle about Measuring Resource Loading and see how this tool can better help you get the insights you need.. Google's Page Speed Test. We can use Google's Page Speed Test as best place to start singled out the exact issues Google thinks is adversely affecting our page load times.. Google's Page Speed Test gives you idea on what needs to be done.. Another tool for doing some fast page research is GT Metrix. GT Metrix grades your page based on Google's Page Speed Tests. For example, Google will brief you how much space you can save if you compressed these subject, and they wo not you version of the image, they do not tell you exactly how to optimize those subject, or the exact number you need to scale down to.. We can resize the subject to the number needed using photo editing tool name Photoshop or tool name Bulk Resize Photos. It's important to understand where the problem areas are with the code and get it into the hands of developer.
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