For this process, ational content so you should be looking for the kind of things your audiences are searching for higher in the buying funnel before they reach the commercial queries that are more likely to directly convert.. You could then go the other way and broaden the search to Europe and see if you can capture some people. You can look at their blog and see the kind of articles they are writing, and you can also be more scientific and use Ahrefs to see what their best performing content is.. menu at the top of the page that jumps down to the various sections included is idea and gives Google more information to understand what the key areas of the page are.. Images and video will make the page more comprehensive and alwhich will impact your ranking performance over the longer term.. Ensure you have proper heading structure throughout, with the title as H1 tag, and the key sections that your menu jumps to marked up as H2 tags. and when you reach point where you have body of content it's good to do this in structured way throughout the site so Google can recognize the pattern.. By developing lots of in depth pages around the key places that people visit, We built out their content Rome to see, and variety of them rank extremely well stronger sites is not up to scratch ... It's highly likely that many of those searchers doing some research so if you can take this opportunity to show off why your brand is great then that will stand you in stead when they reach the point of purchase.. there is no doubt that structure it using the approaches above and then ensure you engage the users that land on your site, you will see extremely positive return on that investment for your business..
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