backups are one of the most crucial aspects of owning and or managing website, so be sure to pay attention in this area..
The site files will be located within File Manager console of your server, while your database can be accessed through phpMyAdmin..
Before you begin, good practice for this process is to create folder on your computer and rename it as either your or your business name and follow the name with the date of the backup.
To export the database, click on Databases dropdown and select phpMyAdmin.
Note, in other servers it may be required to scroll down to the bottom of the list and click checkbox that says 'Select All before clicking on the.
In File Manager, navigate to the column and select the folder named 'public html Note, you may have to move around between folders.
you'll need to use FTP client to connect to your website's server...
With FTP client, you're able to access the server, export and save the site files, and or move the website's files onto your desktop, and versa.
In FTP client, head to the left-hand panel and sort through the Local site until you find the backup folder...
Now, click and hold on the folder on the right-hand panel and drag it across to Site Files in the left-hand panel...
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