You can alwhich makes it really easy to install and import your content from WordPress website.. Enter the path to Uploads in the box or click on link on top of the box and Duplicator will enter the path of the folder for you.. You can use Free FTP client like FileZilla or Cyberduck and enter the login details to connect to your new hosting.. In your Cpanel, find MySQL wizard that will guide you to create MySQL and user that has access to that database.. If you cannot manage to do this step or can afford bit of downtime for your website change the record for your domain to point to the new hosting. you will need to wait for some time for your domain to point to the IP. You will need to add line at the end of the file in the form of your-ip-address your-website-url let's say, you will need to add it in this format xxx xxx yourwebsiteurl com. After changing the hosts file, you will need to Flush DNS of your machine so that your URL points to the new hosting IP.. Once you are redirected to Duplicator tools page, you can click to remove the installation files and clear the build cache under the Cleanup section. Copy IP address of your new hosting from Cpanel account and edit the record for your domain to point to this new IP address of your hosting..
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