Search engines like it when you add Alt and Title tags to your images because this gives them further information about what keywords your photos should rank for.. To add Title and Alt tags, you can write your keywords into Title and Alt Text fields on Insert Media screen from your WordPress admin, n below... To learn how to create URLs for each of your galleries, check out our guide on how to create unique page URL for your WordPress gallery. To learn how to create unique, URLs for each of your individual images, check out our guide on gallery deeplinks.. Make sure that URLs of your image galleries and albums are different from URLs of your pages and posts. Having URLs for image galleries and pages posts may bypass your WordPress galleries on search engines.. It's recommended to create descriptive, meaningful and explanatory URLs for the image galleries and photo albums, so the search engines can read and rank them easily.. By showing the hierarchy and flow of your site, Sitemaps makes it easier for search engines to index all of the photos and galleries on your site... Once you've installed and activated the Yoast SEO plugin, go to SEO » XML Sitemaps and check the box to XML sitemap functionality... For even more tips to optimize your galleries and images for SEO, check out our guide on 31 steps to rank your photos in Google.
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