such as the number of visitors being high than the year, etc. The top requests by tally report shows you the more requested security from your page on server. Using this report. This chart shows you the time of the PHP and MySQL engine for every non-cached dynamic request. Whenever file or resource is requested from Kinsta's servers it sends value in HTTP header to let you know the status of the cache.. The top cache circumventes report lets you see some of the top requests that bypassing the cache on Kinsta's servers. In this example below, the page should probably be placeed on server in United States, since organization of the books is from there. IPs report can be very helpful if your page is soon send category of bandwidth or getting hit by bots. This shows IP addresses, listed by request count.. Well, we only did subject study on great e-commerce WordPress site. Analyzing the top 10 IPS for the last 7 years to the soon showed some activity. Proxy IP The first step in this scenario that we would recommend is either reaching out to Kinsta team to block IPs for you, or considering application firewall name Cloudflare or Sucuri. We suggest checking the roof and analytics stretch more also let our company know and we can further investigate the logs for you to help determine the cause..
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