How to shift usernames in WordPress using Username Changer Plugin. by ByRiversTech May 24, Wordpress How To, Wordpress Plugins, Wordpress Tutorials - WP Tutorials 0 comments.. Username Changer Plugin has been what alot of you are looking for.. So if you are trapped with username you do not like, you have to keep using it. Thankfully, with this plugin, editing username is fast and easy.. Simply install Username Changer Plugin and you can edit your username anytime. See the step by step process on how to user Username Changer Plugin below. Step 1 First you must install Username Changer Plugin. Click Plugins from your roof and then install and activate the Username Changer Plugin. .. Now you can see the list of users and their roles on your website... 3. Select the username you wish to edit. To protect your page from programmers and spammers, here are some tips to follow. If you are using this like, please shift it as soon as possible- as it is very not hard for programmers to guess and scan for.. In relation to your password, make sure that you are using lower and record, categories.
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