Therefore customers need to first select the brand of their phone eg. Apple or Samsung. And then they need to select the type eg. iPhone 7 or Galaxy s8 respectively.. The problem was that if you select Apple from the first dropdown menu and iPhone 7 from the menu and then if you want to shift your to Samsung you can't. The logic is as follows Apple from the menu and iPhone7 from the menu are selected then that's combination. However I want to go back and shift Apple to Samsung I'm basically selecting combination of Samsung and iphone7. Therefore WooCommerce. locks. in variation combinations and hides the others.. We want the user to be able to go back and shift application from Apple to Samsung in the menu and then the menu should display. Choose Option. of the only selected phone type eg iphone 7 so the user can select Samsung model.. We locate discussion about locked categories for WooCommerce product variations and used from Variations UX as the foundation to the terms created Alon Katziri.. This code overrides the WooCommerce javascript with your own javascript issue so that you can tweak the variation 'locking configuration in WooCommerce........ In WooCommerce template files create file your-theme woocommerce single-product add-to-cart variable. php and pirate the template file from the plugin and then replace the type code with this code.......
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