By one of the popular crowdfunding plugins, That's exactly why we are here today to understand and to explore the features of Backer Crowdfunding Theme. Being powered, Backer has everything you need to run successful fundraising website.. Its stack is equipped with powerful caching tools like Redis, Varnish, and Nginx. Sites hosted on cloud servers have better security and performance it's migrated to another virtual machine.. Once the application is created, Go to Application dashboard and under Access Details, access WordPress Admin... Installing demo content to WordPress theme gives starting point and also highlight the key features theme has to offer. From One Click Demo Install button present in the menu, click on Import Demo button to initiate the importing process... WP Crowdfunding is one of WordPress fundraising plugin with features like project submission form, project's start and end date, defining funding goal and reward system, etc. Pro version of this plugin is given free with Backer Crowdfunding Theme which gives the user the ability to integrate countless crowdfunding-related features.. WPML is WordPress tool and is useful when running in regions worldwide. In the tutorial above, we launched Backer Crowdfunding theme on Cloudways and explored how easy is it to set up crowdfunding site.
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