If you want to speed up WordPress to the max, you need to implement policy that targets images mostly otherwise known as cleaning in WordPress.. Both application have advantages and disadvantages, and the primarily depends on JPEG JPEG is the application for photographs and other images displaying variety of colors. Remember, screenshots are usually the image of PNG JPEG is around 75% more bulky... ( Editor's note. PNGs do games for most screenshots, and just not all of them. stuff with many colors, JPEG everything else, PNG. . 2. Resize images. To keep your page light and agile, make sure you reduce the image's size as much as you can usually, to the number you want to display your images at. Of course, the benefit of cropping is that, just name resizing, it reduces image number, cuts issue number. However, counterintuitively, the not simple the image, the more you can get away with lowering the type on your way to cleaning in WordPress.. 5. Serve images on CDN. distances between games and your server have impact on page speed the small the time, the long the wait.. To solve this latency problem, consider installing CDN. CDNs store your page on many servers spread across the globe, then connect your visitors to the one geographically nearby to them. All you need to do is install Jetpack, connect it with WordPress account, and then activate Photon module.
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