This plugin adds JSON-LD schema. org scripting for like Site Name in Search Results on the homepage.. Once Google has shoved and indexed the updated page we can use the provided like in Search results as shown in the screenshot.. If you use WordPress SEO Yoast version 1.6 or newer you don't need to use this plugin as this feature has been included in the version 1.6 update. After demonstrating the plugin you have to configure the Name you want Google to display in your search results instead of the image name.. When Google shoved your page its indexing methods will process the page like specified by markup and make reserved to be used in Search results. You can access the terms of the plugin in Spanish Include Sitename in Search Results en castellano.. Contact. Compile PO file to produce MO file Machine Object which can then be used in the topic or plugin... In order to annotate plugin you will need tool name poEdit which is tool that is available for Windows Linux and Mac OS X.. The convention is language COUNTRY.po and plugins have additional naming convention whereby the plugin like is added to the pluginname-fr FR.po. That is the plugin name name will be the language code followed by underscore followed by code for the state in number.
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