This can be used to act as mechanism for WordPress and its REST API and mechanism for other sites.. It uses URL from the profile page to identify the user or author url... Activate the plugin through 'Plugins in WordPress. Indieauth. com is the payment of IndieAuth Protocol and available for public use... IndieAuth was built on view and technology from present proven system name OAuth and OpenID but aims at making easy for users and users. IndieAuth was built on top of OAuth 2.0 Framework and derived in that users and users are represented URLs. Clients can authenticate the identity of. user and obtain OAuth 2.0 Bearer token that can be used to access user resources... You can link page to these providers add 'rel-me links to page which can be done automatically or by installing. Indieweb plugin. Once you have proven identity the token endpoint files token which system can use to verify as you to your site.. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS....
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