But if that's true, then why did Googler retweet link to page hosting PDF, tweet that received 97 retweets.. It has been suggested that one of PDFs are inappropriate for Internet is that they are dead end pages. It's like dead end street, visitor or crawler has no where else to go once they reach the end of the document. The bot and the visitor may leave the site after reaching the dead end page. The situation is to keep PageRank flowing throughout the site so that more pages are indexed.. The offense is that the user has to wait for PDF to download. the visitor has to wait for new app to open.. PDFs invoices and other back-end type scenario, are entity given how much of train wreck they are for mobile usability.. In many instances it's used to supplement HTML with additional information that may not be easily converted to HTML e.g the strict formatting needs to remain intact... Other technologies such as AMP, PWA, Apps and HTML can gracefully fill the niche in the mobile first era that PDFs filled during the desktop era..
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