Search Quality Rater Guidelines is 160-page chronicle filed to Human Quality Raters that outlines pain with categories of what Google considers a priority and best practice. If you are unclear of what Quality Rater is, why Google uses them and insight into 2014's Guidelines, recheck out my Quality Rater Guide Leaked, What Businesses Need To Know post .. Mobile everything .. 2. A Needs Met focus. Keep in mind that there are. expert. websites of all types, even gossip websites, fashion websites, heart websites, and Q&A pages, etc... High quality advice or information should be written or produced in sports badge and should be edited. While April 2015 Mobilegeddon was bit of anti-climax, it was the starting of Google starting to distinguish between mobile-friendly and non-mobile-friendly web pages. As business, much of your web will likely be from mobile users as people look for responsibility, opening years. This is because Needs Met is dependent on the search query. E-A-T looks at the type of the page content of the actual query.. related to the search query, will not obtain Needs Met score. Google says. ,, and E-A-T results should get Needs Met ratings than, and EA-T results.
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