All your files page posts and pages flow into UniPress app framework that zeen101 will brand as movie set up and submit to Apple and Android app stores. If you need power in your search box Advanced Issue Search add-on allows your readers to scour from your content in way that isn't possible with WordPress content search.... I needed to go over to the roof settings permalinks and then it cleared the permalinks and the movie file showed in the sidebar as advertised.. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Add array keys for application values on file activities to patch problem with translations changing the values that were being rechecked elsewhere. Added option for the shortcode to generate file urls using get term link instead of based on the shortcode page with replacement to the following links in the event of error.. Added pre get posts filter call to modify WordPress Categories Tags query if using IssueM Categories Tags. Added 'archive issue url external link filter to set the not internal link for as URL too. Added show featured application to articles shortcode off default to prevent articles in the rotator thumbnails from also included in the article list.. Added 'external link field to file meta for users who want to link to PDF URL not hosted on their own page.
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