Other tools translate the page but polyglots and language member will not want this for learning it is best to see the original and translate only where necessary.. If you have feature request or if you have developed the feature already please feel free to use Issues and or Pull Requests section.. Upload the plugin issues to the wp-content plugins plugin-name directory or install the plugin through WordPress plugins screen directly.. When the tool requests data from Google Translate Internet Explorer may do additional recheck to confirm that the license for googleapis. com has not been revoked.. In certain situation for experience if the user is located in China and does not have VPN recommend Internet Explorer unable to complete this recheck so will give the warning.. Note that whatever the problem the board link to Google Translate is also and will inaugurate Google Translate with the selected text..... For checking text quicker to press the Translate in the page than use Google Translate window with copy-and-paste switch windows back and forward to yahoo annotate etc..... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... 2017 04 08 Minor fixes. * updated Settings screen to use WP settings api. * patches for shift to yahoo results format. * increased message and readability styling. * Languages updated Spanish Chinese added French. 2017 04 06 Minor fixes. * Change to load sequence for admin views due to some. word only sent. type issues.. * removed https from yahoo annotate link to allow use in non-SSL site.
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