Once activated the plugin adds this link below your retort link for each comment and field in comment form for your experts if they want to display Twitter account.. Il ajoute aussi un champ pour le formulaire de commentaire pour que vos commentateurs puissent Twitter s'ils le désirent.. Upload plugin issues to the wp-content plugins directory. Activez le plugin pour le menu extensions WordPress. Vous pouvez modérer le champ Twitter que vos commentateurs remplissent grâce à l'édit des commentaires... Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... 7 jun 2013. removed tinyurl part and replace it with comment permalink according to user's feedback. update with new limit for tweets with URL >> 117 characters.. 27 Apr 2013. add support in spotlights for registered users.. 27 Apr 2013. add rel noffolow to Twitter links in comment. remove unecessary spaces POSIX in comment excerpt.. 26 Apr 2013. patch wrong tally for comment excerpt..
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