Use for maximum version. jsmol2wp will to see if pdb file has been uploaded to your wordpress and it will use that file if it can find it. If it can't find improve post for need attachement it will try http rcsb. org pdb. Additional information parameters are at About Help link in the applets.. This plugin was developed for use on the page for Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Texas A&M University http biochemistry. tamu. edu... Thanks to Bob Hanson and the JMol team for making the javascript code for jsmol available. Browse the code recheck out the SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... 1.06. shift rcsb issue road to avoid deflect. 1.02. patches to this readme. txt issue to improve the display at the wordpress. org plugin repository.. 0.6 alpha. register script not after enqueueing it.. added ability to add Jmol. script commands. added the ability to add jmolCommandInput.. 0.2 alpha. changed system to use template based on the distro file simple1.htm.. added captioning. works with local or remote pdb files from rcsb. org pdb..
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