It allows you to manage multiple versions of your Joomla articles and go back to in case there have been edits that were not supposed to be made or maybe you just want to go back and see. To enable versioning, Navigate to Content >> Articles.. Leave the number of versions to 10, this is the number of versions you'll be able to go back and review for any changes... Let's go ahead and create new article or edit existing one and you will be following see the version options on the article editing screen.. Restore Button lets you restore and go back to the version of your choice.. Keep On Off This button lets you keep version you can use this button to mark the versions that will not be deleted even after you have made more than 10 different modifications to the article.. The Star icon next to the number denotes the current .. By clicking the checkbox next to the version of your choice and the restore button, You can restore any version... Once the restore is complete, you will see the message like the one below... That's it, these are the basics of content versioning and it's straightforward and very very useful when you are making edits to going back to version.
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