Go to 'Settings -> KJM Admin Notices and activate both ' KJM Admin Notices and 'Notice Post Type. Don't forget to go to 'Settings -> KJM Admin Notices and activate both ' KJM Admin Notices and 'Notice Post Type Once done you will be able to add notices... Admin Notices don't get sent by email.. Also make sure you rechecked related roles in Show Notice to Roles Lastly you have to take in terms that KJM Admin Notices only send email on publish of present post. The suggested way to do it is to first create note with 'Draft state then when tou are set you just have to publish it to get the emails sent. You will see button in 'Sent column which shows to how many people th notice has been sent... At current state KJM Admin Notices always set the status of Notice to 'Private on publish. Remove local-settings. php or set it to be read from the topic first this issue is for setting data mainly for developement or customization purposes...... I used this to embed type guide at the top of admin pages for customer. Browse the code recheck out SVN repository or subscribe to the development log RSS.... Added metaboxes and part to manage roles to send display notices..
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