Description. Leaky Paywall is refine for bloggers news and movie sites that need content to be discovered in Google search and shared politically Facebook and the rest. Pioneered by Financial Times supported by New York Times and used 1000's of publishers not small and great the metered paywall is also the more successful paywall approach in the shipping industry.. Now you can promote and sell subscriptions to general or chinese recurring issues... iOS and Android apps. Leaky Paywall bundles with UniPress to give your subscribers mobile apps for the best reading record today. We've been publishing Street Photography Magazine for 5 years on iOS Apple Newsstand and from WordPress using page plugin concept for the search. I always dreamed of creating WordPress based hill that will push the content to iOS and Android apps but didn't have the time or skills to do it right.. Today we are able to publish daily files in number of the time and we generate books from premium content with the metered paywall different to the great publishers name New York Times and others.. Switching serialize commands to json en decode commands for security reasons. add leaky paywall cancelled subscriber hook when user cancels subscription. add help tab to settings page. update html of subscription application details. Modified output for ignored pages changed how issuem leaky paywall attempt login attempst to log in users moved text for non-valid terms when mining in and needing to subscribe also. Completely modified LP to use WordPress Users Table. added configuration to move present users to WP Users table modified all part to use WordPRess Users and Meta Tables and functions... Added options to shortcode to trade with multipl subscription options and css to hide the additional subscription..
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