List WooCommerce customers in Facebook Offline Conversion.
Keep track of your WooCommerce customers that Facebook Ads help bring in with this Zapier integration.
Whenever customer signs up for terms on WooCommerce store Zapier will add their phone information to Facebook Offline Conversion.
It'll help you track number and let you make new services to target different audiences..
customer signs up for WooCommerce store. Zapier adds that phone to Facebook Offline Conversion tracking..
Apps involved. WooCommerce. Facebook Business.....
Use this Zap... WooCommerce is WordPress eCommerce plugin that transforms WordPress website into fully included eCommerce store.
Send customer and information from WooCommerce to Zapier.
Note this service requires WooCommerce Zapier Extension that is available for purchase on the woothemes. com extension store.....
With offline games Facebook you can track when events occur in material retail store and other offline channels email marketing and CRM apps when people see or engage with Facebook ad..........
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