Using the manager with the manager plugin allows you to build search catalog and show all businesses state on unique map back with Google map locations..
Using the director with the directory plugin allows you to merge both routes and trails and custom map state on single map..
The moderators short strange form. mod. are users of the forum who are granted access to the books and threads of all members for the object of dominant discussion and also keeping the forum clean.
This plugin adds the power for PeepSo community members to create and discuss map state and point of interest.
Map Routes Manager Draw map routes and generate number of routes and trails with points of interest using Google maps... $39.00 Add to Cart.... Business Directory Build directory.
We have created many display templates to support the display of number of state on map allowing user to well point to the need location..
Fixed showing the page address instead of the email address in the information window..
Added option to not embed Google API to avoid conflicts with the Geodirectory..
Added option to set the custom map URL for the CM Business Directory Pro plugin categories..
The user hovers the pointer over item without clicking it and tooltip may appear hover box. with information about the item being hovered over.
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