Extract the books and then upload FTP the folder to the wp-content plugins folder on your host. On the upside the plugin is easy to use great and software screens easy to tutor to others great templates great auto-post mailings and best at keeping your messages out of data. I work with mailpoet since few years and it is in combination with version the terms to design send and report emails. Added smuggle of data and subscription lists to WordPress 4.9.6 and newer versions in compliance with GDPR rules. Wished 2018 turns out to be time for all of our dear and new users and brings new features to our plugin we've planned great them and can't wait to implement them. Improved added filter to JS CSS badges that are loaded by plugins MailPoet's pages. Fixed Amazon SES sending method now works regardless of custom. arg separator. set in PHP's configuration. Fixed bulk trashing and keeping newsletters and forms will work on sites using PHP 5.3. Fixed 'Create new form link in MailPoet Form widget also leads to the Form editor. Improved header is also set for SMTP PHPMail method to work with MS Exchange.
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